Lovin the beat & Lyrics
Keep doing your thing man. This is hot.
Lovin the beat & Lyrics
Keep doing your thing man. This is hot.
REAL rapper right here.
Your flow is mindnumbing -____-
Your wordplay is amazing
All I can say is, GOOD SHIT.
I dont know much about this cypher, but I know youll go far! Keep hot fiya comin dawg!
If you're entering, good luck as well. If not, we can keep you posted on how everything goes. Appreciate the review. If you want, check out some more tracks on the page.
Stay up,
Nimbus The General
Sorry for that i was wiping jizz off my keyboard.
This is some off the hook shit right here! Also, now one of my fave beats on NG!
Keep this hot fiya comin dawg! lmao
-King Freezy :P
Hahaha I had to wipe the sweat of my keyboard from making this!
Thanks a lot though, seriously!
A music video will be shot in my home town and current town of London! for this.
Lol i found myself singing along to this ;D
Good job!
I like it.
I dont know much about beats, but if you extend the song a little and make that synth alot higher it would be killer.
Let me know when you finish this one!
This is hot fiya!
I like it, the chorus is hot fire.
Be less monotone in your verse and it'll be killer
I like this
Sweet lyrics, one of the best flows on NG. Good job bro.
Bumpin to this!
When that beat dropped in the beginning and those beast drums went off, i started crying!
5/5 10/10
You remade it? You effing rock bro!
from scratch :D thanks bro! lol glad you enjoy!
I make music. Thank you and goodnight.
Joined on 6/12/10